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pá 27. 9.


Praha, EA Hotel Populus

Od chaosu ke komunitě

Akci nepořádá MAP, jen upozorňujeme na vzácnou příležitost poznat něco naprosto nového a nezvyklého. Citujeme: "skupina sama pod vedením zkušených facilitátorů prochází procesem tzv. Autonomní facilitace" - sama objevuje, co to znamená "být komunitou".

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Od chaosu ke komunitě
Od chaosu ke komunitě

Čas a místo

27. 9. 2019 19:00 – 29. 9. 2019 12:00

Praha, EA Hotel Populus, U Staré cihelny 2182/11, 130 00 Praha-Žižkov, Česko

O události

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Community Building Workshop is a 3 day workshop of highly experiential process – a journey to the unknown through uncertainity. It is an adventure in human interaction, where participants identify obstacles to deeper levels of communication.

Guided by skilled facilitators in a way that is described as autonomous facilitation – the group works on its own to discover what it is like to become a “true community” – an organism that self-organises around a common purpose and where nobody is “pulling the strings”.

The model of this workshop is very unusual, probably one that you have not yet experienced.

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